Let’s Go, Eagles

Tonight, in front of people who are not me (and I am sorely disappointed in this fact), the Colorado Eagles (the only pro hockey team still playing in Colorado) beat the Oklahoma City Blazers 5 – 1 in game 7 of the CHL conference semis. 

Greg Pankewicz with the shorty!
Ryan Tobler kicking ass with seven shots and one goal!!
Fraser Filipic with the fisticuffs!!!! (hey, that’s what they call it in the CHL)

Next victim, the  .  This could be shaping up to be a finals involving the Laredo Bucks and the Eagles, who have met before, and it was serious shit, I tell you.  Serious.

And, for those who have not heard the scuttlebutt, go to Our Sports Central and see what was going on with the Mudbugs

And remember folks, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, there is much more hockey out there than the NHL.

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