Jersey: Kazan Ak Bars

Another lockout special, this one is of the Ak Bars Kazan, from the Russian Super League.

Ak Bars - Front
This is not a game worn jersey. In fact, it isn’t made of the high quality material like the rest of my jerseys from Lutch. The fabric is a mesh, but very think and course, so it seems like it can stand up to some punishment. And punishment it gets. At my job, when a show is finished in a city, we spend all night tearing down all the gear and loading it into trucks. This is usually my jersey of choice to load out in. When everyone else is wearing the stagehand uniform (all black), I stick out like a sore thumb. It makes life easier. When they send people to help me out, they know where to find me, they guy in the green jersey. For that reason alone, I need to get a few more of these things.

Now, the back, and you can witness my shame.

Ak Bars - Rear

Hey, whose name is that? Yes, that would be Datsyuk. As in Pavel Datsyuk. As in Lady Bing Winner Pavel Datsyuk. As in (shudder) Red Wing Pavel Datsyuk.

Oh, the shame.

In my own defense, the jersey was bought for me by someone who did not make the connection at the time. When they found out, they were significantly mortified. And they can’t really be blamed, since I chose to wear the thing. Every so often, someone who reads Russian will see it and shout out “Datsyuk!!” I have the awful task of acknowledging the reference (can’t shun the hockey fan) while not letting on that I am wearing a Pavel Datsyuk jersey. Talk about a conundrum.

This should answer Roy’s question about what jersey I am wearing in this post. Of course, Brushback, god of Russian jersey info, nailed it in one. Hope that clears thing up.

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3 responses to “Jersey: Kazan Ak Bars”

  1. Is there any way that ya could hit me back up & let me know how I would be able 2 purchase one of these Kazan Ak Bars Team Jersey? I would love 2 get a hockey jersey with Morozovs’ name & number on it so plz let me know whats up! I would sincerely appreciate it very much!
    Thanx so much 4 your time!
    Til’ then ya Take Care & Keep On SHOCKIN’!!!

    ?Dyän K1lldr3n?