Category: Fun

  • Hockey Night Part 2

    Hockey Night is a take off on Sports Night, which was written by Aaron Sorkin (West Wing, Studio 60) . Sorkin has a very distinct style. After the first post, I thought about what else I would do with another scene. It’s pretty fun to write, and so I share. INT. HALLWAY OUTSIDE OF VISITORS…

  • If Aaron Sorkin Wrote a Hockey Show

    I have been watching Sports Night, the Aaron Sorkin TV show, lately. Sorkin is better known for his writing on West Wing, which has a similar pace.  If you watch Sports Night with several episodes back to back, you see a lot of hockey references in it. There is usually something hockey brought up in a show,…

  • Mascots

    Yes, this is hockey related. Meet Snowie, from the World Championships in 2002. Snowie, meet boards. [ev type=”youtube” data=”GtTLOE42b6I”][/ev] This one is for all the kids [ev type=”youtube” data=”uLi8_VJzX8U”][/ev] Just plain fun [ev type=”youtube” data=”7xrVJaYedWg”][/ev] This is what life is really like in Alberta [ev type=”youtube” data=”zTwIjZ35Opg”][/ev]   Finally, keep your head on a swivel.…