MaGoo Watch

If Mick McGeough doesn’t know where the bodies are burried, then he has to have pictures of Colin Campbell and Steve Walkom at the Breakers hotel in compromising positions.  It really is the only reason I can think of that he would be given any time in this years playoffs.  Aside from the bad calls he made last year in the playoffs, when he went all the way to the finals, some of the true bloopers he had this season should have at least thrown up red flags left and right.

In tonight’s game between the Flames and Wings, MaGoo made the first penalty call in a very animated fashion.  Later, he had a similarly flamboyant moment calling a trip.  At the best of times, it does not give the impression of professionalism.  At the worst, it makes him look like a fool.

In the USA Hockey Officials Handbooks, they talk about selling the call a ref makes.  What that means is a ref should make clear signals, in a confident manner, and with a minimum of fanfare.  Even if it is a questionable call, selling the call tells the players and coaches around you that that you are at least certain of your conviction.  It tells those around you that you are in control of yourself, and of the game.  It puts confidence in the ref.

MaGoo is not much of a salesman out there, unless it happens to be snake oil.  Do I dislike MaGoo?  No, I have nothing personal against him.  But when I find out that a game I am watching is being reffed by him, it’s like going to a game where your questionable backup goalie is the starter.  It may go fine, but you get a certain sense of dread throughout.  OR like watching an interview with Jeremy Roenick, waiting for him to embarrass himself. To include MaGoo in these playoffs, when they say that the reason certain refs get the opportunity to serve is performance based, is completely against the grain.  It makes no sense to hockey fans who know his name, and many know that name due to his performance, or lack thereof.

I want to watch a game he is reffing, start to finish, and only watch him.  Just to really see what his performance is like start to finish.  Painful? Sure, but the things I will do for art. 

So, for tonight’s game, we have MaGoo reffing, Ken Hitchcock in the studio, and the Wings beating up the Flames.  It’s like a bad car wreck, I just can’t stop watching, no mater how ugly it gets.