Wake Up Call

I was roaming the blogosphere this morning, looking for little tidbits about the Wings – Flames games (more on that in a bit), when I found this at the Battle of Alberta:

Props again to NBC. I watched some of both networks yesterday, and I just couldn’t believe how much more enjoyable the NBC broadcast was than the CBC.

I know there are complaints about the CBC, but I am happy that even the hard fans feel NBC is doing a good job. I happen to agree that NBC is doing a good job, with a better call and good camera work. The Pierre McGuire is at the least entertaining, even though he didn’t earn any fan points from me for his performance in the Olympics.

The wakeup call should be for Versus. If they know how to change the channel, they should be tuning in to the NBC broadcasts, and look at what is working for them, and isn’t working on their own network. I would be happy to buy them the notebook and pen to take notes with.

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