Luongo Stamps Feet, Makes Pouty Face

Roberto Luongo is putting his foot down. From

In a conference call Tuesday, Canucks goaltender Roberto Luongo said he would retire if the league used bigger nets.

“If that day comes, I don’t think you guys will be seeing me in the NHL,” Luongo said.

Why is that, Roberto? Concerned for your stats?

Luongo said he would retire, even if the league made the nets bigger by just a few inches.

“I have no intentions of playing with bigger nets,” Luongo said.

Can we test that theory?

Frankly, anyone who walks away from the NHL and contracts like Luongo has is a fool. I don’t believe a word of it, nor do I think they will make the nets bigger. So, Luongo gets his little rant, we all stand up and pay attention, and nothing changes. There were goaltenders before Luongo, and there will be plenty after. If anything, he sure is good at getting a few headlines.

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