The Season Begins

We got up this morning to watch as much of the first NHL game of the season as we could, before heading off to work an hour after the game started. Of course, the game didn’t start on time, and the NHL gets about 20 – 25 minutes for delay of game. Next time, either find some dowsers for the lights, or keep them on for the Anthems.

Is it fitting that the first penalty of the season goes to Bertuzzi?

Isn’t it great that the first hard check of the season was delivered to Mick MaGoo?

Unfortunately, thanks to the delayed start, and having to work within the grounds of the Texas State Fair (really, there is a rodeo right outside the theater), I missed the rest of the game. But those two items don’t really bode to well for the season. That is, if you believe in such things. Which I don’t.

On a personal note, it’s going to be an interesting season, and I go into blogging about with a little hesitation. Last season, I was able to be home in Denver, mere blocks away from Le Can, making it easy to keep up with Avalanche games. This season promises to keep me on the road quite a bit. Without being able to sign up for Center Ice Online (yet, but I have a few phone calls to make), I may be running a Slingbox out of Iowa, with the regular Center Ice Package. That will make life quite a bit easier, but isn’t the same as being home. You don’t get the same sense of the game, or the spirit of the city around the team.

Not that being on tour is all that bad. In fact, it has it’s benefits. For instance, I get to go to the October 21st Avalanche game in Minnesota with Roy from Wild Puck Banter. Roy started blogging around the same time I did, and we have talked online quite a bit. I’m really excited to meet him, and without touring, I wouldn’t have that chance. I’m also going to be in Detroit (oh, joy of joys) for the holidays, and will hopefully be able to hook up with some fellow bloggers for a game or two. Then we hit Pittsburgh for six weeks, where I get to see the Penguins take on the Capitals. After that, it’s on to Toledo, OH (because my life is a rich, full oyster), which is in reach of all sorts of hockey, NHL and otherwise.

Being on tour makes it harder to retain that contact with the Avalanche, and having to be a long distance fan. That’s just the way it goes, I guess, and while I’m not happy about it, there are worse things in life. With the advent of high-speed internet, life becomes much easier for the traveling hockey fan, and above all, I am a hockey fan. I love to go to games outside the mainstream, like the Ft. Wayne Comets, or the Cincinnati Cyclones (just saying that makes me excited), or even the Indianapolis Ice. It’s not like I’m all that interested in doing game recaps for every Avs game. There are plenty of Avs blogs around these days, and they do it just fine. I have other ideas in mind.

Basically, I don’t know what Jerseys and Hockey Love season two will bring, but I’m looking forward to it. As little as a month ago, I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to dive into this season as a hockey blogger. I can certainly understand some of the bloggers who have put blogging on hold for now. It is a lot more commitment than I had originally anticipated. But some of the fun of this (and if it isn’t fun, why do it) is not knowing what the next thing will be. I can’t wait to live-blog from my seat at some minor league, or even kids game from some city I’ve never been to. I still have packages of Peeps left over, with a few plans for their use. It’s going to make going home for the occasional game that much more sweet. I’ve never completely taken to being just an Avs blogger, and being on the road can point me in other directions. I wish I had my blog going in the 2005-06 season, when I took a road trip through the entire UHL (a more impressive 14 teams then) and half the CHL. It would have been an entertaining read.

Anyways, the season, in such a strange fashion, has begun. The first two points are on the sheets, and the LA Kings lead the entire NHL with a perfect record. Heck of a start. I can’t wait to see how it ends.

This is going to be a good time.

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