Month: February 2008

  • Johnstown Chiefs vs. Elmira Jackals: Hockey Shrine

    Welcome to Johnstown, PA. For a lot of hockey fans, it’s impossible to think of Johnstown as being it’s own town. The city has a double identity, shared with a mythical place of violence, hockey, bad hair, and horn-rimmed glasses. Johnstown will forever be confused with Charlestown, the fictional town that hosted the Charleston Chiefs,…

  • End of 1st: No Fights Yet

    End of 1st: No Fights Yet, originally uploaded by Tapeleg. ..but the Chiefs are winning.

  • Hockey Pilgrmage

    Hockey Pilgrmage, originally uploaded by Tapeleg. Tonight, I am taking in a game at one of the shrines of hockey, seeing the Johnstown Chiefs take on the Elmira Jackels. We’re putting on the foil here at JAHL. Full report later, probably in the morning.

  • Avalanche Attendance: Other Reasons

    I have been tearing up a storm (ie: beating a dead horse) writing about the downturn in attendance, and I do not feel the need to stop. Sure, the rest of the world may have moved on, but not me. I stand at the front lines, atop the wall, ready to do battle. You have…

  • Avalanche Attendance: Straight From the Horses Mouth

    It doesn’t take much for me to get off on a tangent these days. I don’t know why, but it seems like I see something I don’t like, or something I think is flat out wrong, and I don’t feel like letting it go. Greg Wyshynski’s AOL FanHouse post about the attendance at the Avalanche…