Month: February 2009

  • Ducks vs. Thrashers: Well, All Right, Then

    Sometimes, things play out as are expected. Sometimes the predictors are all correct, and the tension is let out of the room, and nothing can stop that momentum from carrying things to a final known destination. Don’t know what I am talking about? Here is a quote from Earl Sleek at his post before today’s…

  • Reign vs Wranglers: Yeah, OK

    The Citizens Business Bank Arena is nice. That’s really all I can say about it. There isn’t any character, there isn’t anything really special about it. The seats are fine, the site lines are fine (except for where my first seat was), the food is OK, and the beer is your normal selection (but they…

  • Paramount Iceland and the First Zamboni

    The Zamboni is such an icon, that it’s brand has transcended any other ice resurfacing machine like it. There are Olymipa’s and the new Finnish Icecat, but like the Kleenex and the Q-Tip, the brand has taken over the item. Nothing is called an ice resurfacer. It’s called a Zamboni. When the word is used,…

  • WCHT: LA Kings Swag Update

    I took a similar road trip a few years back through the old UHL (back in it’s glory days of 14 teams, before becoming the unimpressive 6 team IHL of today), and I wound up with a lot of neat stuff along the way. I always bought a puck at every game, but this being…

  • Kings vs Flames: So It Begins

    Considering that this is me we are talking about, it isn’t any real surprise that I got out of Tempe, AZ. I said it before, I will say it again. If I had a traveling name, it would be Start Later Than Wants. Basically, my day was pack, drive, game. I arrived in LA about…