Year: 2012

  • Two Sets of Eyes, Not Four

    I keep hearing about how four sets of eyes missed the Torres check last night, but this is a misstatement.  Two sets of eyes missed the play, and two had no influence on it.  Like it or not, the job of the linesman is to call the lines, not penalties like this. Coming out of…

  • What do you mean, We?

    One of the big reasons I want to see bloggers get their place in the press box with the Avalanche is so we can stop reporting on the reporting, and start really generating our own.  In Colorado, we wind up with fodder like Dater Watch.  I don’t care for it, but here I am, doing…

  • In Response

    Dirk Hoag from the excellent Predators blog, On the Forecheck, left a comment in the previous post about bloggers credentials that I wanted to address. Please keep in mind that I know Dirk, like him a lot, think he’s an excellent blogger, and have met him in person. This isn’t snarking at him, and I…

  • Time for the Avalanche to Open Up

    Today on twitter, I went on a bit of a rant.  And hey, that’s what twitter is there for at times, a bit of a rant. But once you get to around 10 tweets on the same topic, it’s time to close twitter for a minute and open up the old blogging software, dusty though…

  • Open Post: What Media Outlets Do You Like

    I’ve been thinking a lot about the hockey media lately. If you believe twitter, there isn’t much to like about the MSM hockey media. I don’t completely buy it, but sometimes I struggle to think about who I am drawn to in the media. So I’m asking you for your thoughts and conversation. The comments…