Author: James Gralian

  • The Jerseys Rollout Continues

    The push is on, and the clock is winding down. Teams are either showing off their swanky new jerseys, or announcing dates for their debut. So far, the showings have been less than spectacular, and the blogosphere, in general, isn’t too impressed with what they’ve seen. I, for one, have to agree. Perhaps it lies…

  • RIP sidearm delivery – End of an Era

    I just found out today that sidearm delivery has decided to close up shop. Someone recently declared this year the Year of the Sports Blog. There have been a ton of hockey blogs started over the past year. We should have a moment of silence for one of the best. If you have never been…

  • Noticed Something

    Dumb title, I know. I was at the local Irish pub after work in hot, crowded Memphis, and noticed something odd (to me, that is) about the soccer game being shown.  At halftime, the refs (officials) were leaving the field at the same time, through the same exit, as the players.  Not only that, but…

  • New Islanders Jerseys

    Sean over at Popjocks wrote to tell me about the new Islanders jerseys that were put on display.  You can read his post about it here.  Thanks, Sean. The word on the net is pretty negative so far, but give it time.  Some may come around.

  • OT: Kitten Conundrum

    This is Jamie.  She likes hockey people. Jamie is a rescue kitten.  That does not mean that she rescues people from mountains or burning buildings, it means that her mother passed away when Jamie was born.  Jamie needs a home. A little background.  I work as a stagehand on tour.  I am currently on tour…