Category: Hockey

  • Oh What a Night

    I have no complaints: None at all. A good night of hockey.

  • Can You Dig It?

    AVS WIN!!! AVS WIN!!! AVS WIN!!! I wonder if having an Avs fan in the Wild dressing room during the season had anything to do with it. Probably not. I got home with the game tied up (yes, I do work that late), and after what I – and a Washington lobbyist – would consider…

  • Don’t Call it a Comeback

    I’m actually pissed off at myself right now for not doing ANY blogging during the Avs first round playoff run. I’m stuck here in Altantastan, GA, and I get what games I can on Versus, and even then, it’s only when I get off work, which means I have been catching about a period and…

  • Better Know a Rule: Kicking the Puck

    For your playoff rules primer, I recommend watching a little bit of this video, provided by, designed to cover their bases and keep fans who watch it from screaming at the refs, their TVs or their children, when a puck is waived off due to the puck being kicked in the net. After viewing…

  • My Scoreboard Sadness

    Today is the saddest day of the year for my scoreboard: No games… FOR YOU!!!!