Forsberg is an Av
AH HAHAHAH!!!!!HAHAHAH!!!!! There isn’t much else to say at this point. I don’t have anything witty at the moment, but it’s nice to be back in Denver, and going to an Avs game, when all of this is going down.
Avalanche Attendance: Other Reasons
I have been tearing up a storm (ie: beating a dead horse) writing about the downturn in attendance, and I do not feel the need to stop. Sure, the rest of the world may have moved on, but not me. I stand at the front lines, atop the wall, ready to do battle. You have…
Avalanche Attendance: Straight From the Horses Mouth
It doesn’t take much for me to get off on a tangent these days. I don’t know why, but it seems like I see something I don’t like, or something I think is flat out wrong, and I don’t feel like letting it go. Greg Wyshynski’s AOL FanHouse post about the attendance at the Avalanche…
Avalanche Attendance: Woe is Everyone
They say that there are three sides to every story: yours, mine, and the truth. When it comes to hockey, and blogging about hockey, nothing seems more accurate. And then, if you are a blogger at the Fanhouse, you can apply that principle with the other blogging stalwart: If it worked once, do it again…
All-Star Game Liveblog: Latenight Edition
Welcome to the All-Star Game Liveblog. Comments are open, so leave what you want. If you know the score, it’s time to pretend like nothing has happened. Running a little behind, so here we go… Well, the grand experiment, which has worked so far in other tests, is not working correctly. So, on with the…